okay2 enuff of that.. last Sat , i had a performance at Maskara 12- Balak Malaya....and I think i did badly...huhu...rase nk nanges but wut to dooo..Maybe i had an exam prior to d event..That morning i had a Toefl test at Sheraton kL, near Jalan Sultan Ismail. So maybe i had lack of time to really remember the lyrics n chords..hihi...so anybody attended Maskara 12...i'm soweee....no worries..im on ma way recording the songs n i'll get it uploaded soon =D
Okayyy.... Maskara 12 was great. Persembahan2 yang bes n menarik...ada lawak...ada yg sedap...ada menimbulkan tanda soal...ada yang menyebar ilmu..cam Mat Jan nye slot...wah...dgr pasal israel..ngan lagu Diari Seorang Yahudi tu mmg click aaaa...layan lak.....brilliant..bes2 semua yang perform...n Ajami was the pengacara...he did great in handling the event...with his santa hat..haha...sangat pelek okayyyyy...n the event ended wif Ajami singin a song by Aizat Amdan , Lagu Kita...
(sorry i dunt have any pics!)
okay.....from MAskara 12 ni ive bought a novel, bertajuk Romlah The Untold Stories.
Hahaha..okay...this wud be the picture of the novel...
jeng jeng jeng......
"Ajami singin a song by Aizat Amdan , Lagu Kita..."
syyy!!!! jgn ckp kuat2!!!
ajami kemaluan nanti!!!
reez boy... you did great ok.. me and the unborn enjoy your performance so much.. jangan serik nak perform di maskara lagi ok??
reply ajami
ekekeke...okay la aritu brooo..apsal malu lak..ekeke
replycik puan daun
hihi..thanx sys! i'll try my best if theres next time..hihi
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